Thursday, June 5, 2008

So, I'm Moving

I could go on for another month about things I will do differently as I parent again. But you know what? I've realized my preoccupation with this is either innocently ill-timed or a subconscious attempt to procrastinate. I mean, I'm MOVING in exactly one week!

Yeah, we have movers, but I'm sure they'd appreciate not having to pack the junk mail piled on my kitchen counter or place cd's back in their cases or deal with my piles of dirty laundry.

And if I don't post for a long time, it's because I never got around to setting up cable in our new house.


BGK said...

I will miss you something fierce!!

TulipGirl said...

Hope your move went smooth. . .

Amy said...

I miss your blog!! :):):)