Monday, August 25, 2008

Life without Babies

I just finished teaching an art class to a family of homeschooled children. I truly love teaching, from art to Bible study, and it has been so long since I taught anyone besides Peter. I'll be doing this every Monday while he is in school.

When you have a kid who is gone all morning and then comes home and naps, that's some real time on your hands. Of course, it will all change when the new baby arrives. I won't be teaching classes then, at least for the near future.

I'm cool with that, but days like today remind that one day, I will have a life without diapering, Wee Sing, playdates, and the intense physical demands of a toddler. How will I spend my day? Assuming that God doesn't bonk me over the head telling me to homeschool, I could...

- become an Olympic equestrian. But that would probably mean more money going out than coming in, and that's never good.

- become the next Beth Moore or Kay Arthur. Now that really appeals.

- become the best homeroom mother in the world-- not for my child's class, but for a low-income school.

- become a writer. Not the occasional freelance stuff I've done in the past, but write every day and hit the markets hard core.

I always knew that I wanted to be a mother when I grew up. Now I wonder what I will be when they grow up.

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