Monday, October 29, 2007

Breakfast BC

Cleaning out a kitchen drawer yesterday, I found several expired coupons and one of my handwritten menus from our newlywed days B.C. (before children). I used to plan each meal of the day, writing it down for my trip to the grocery store.

I'd forgotten how I once loved to cook breakfast, even if it meant getting up at 4:00 a.m. to see my husband off to work before 5:00. What did we used to eat? According to my newfound artifact, in the span of a week we had peanut butter pancakes, vegetable omelets, berry waffles, and cinnamon hot cereal.

Boy, do I hate me. The old me. Now I'm just a lazy mom, sleeping in with her kid until (gasp) 6:00 a.m. Will I ever recover the breakfast-cooking mojo?

I'd like to think so. What better way to start the day than with the whole family gathered around a steaming hot meal?

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