Thursday, May 10, 2007

How to Make a Wool Diaper Shirt to Match Your Recycled Woolie!

Since all you need to make your own longies are the sleeves of an old sweater, that leaves a lot of leftover wool. What to do with it? You could make a standard diaper cover or even a pair of socks. I made Peter a matching shirt. It took about five minutes. Here's what I did:

1) Trim off the bottom of the sweater to the length you'd like the shirt to be:
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2) Lay a t-shirt on top of the sweater, matching the necklines, and use it as a pattern to cut beneath the arms and down the sides. Leave yourself room for 1" seams:
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3) Use an overcast stitch to finish all of your cut edges:
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4) Turn the shirt inside out and sew the sides together:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Marlene said...

That is ingenious !!! thanks so much for posting this!

BrusselsSprout_Katharine said...


Rachat de credit said...

Thanks a ton it is a very good help, now to make a wool diaper shirt to match our recycled woolie! is simple and easy with the help of your advice. Thank you