Wednesday, April 11, 2007

More Checklists (Wk 34: PREGNANCY

December 19, 2005

A dozen onesies. Check.
Six gowns and sleepers. Check.
Booties. Check.
Hats. Check.
Receiving blankets. Check.
All items washed, folded, and waiting for baby. Check.

Just when I think I'm ready, I realize I'm not.

Since I didn't get any cloth diapers in the newborn size, we'll use 'sposies the first month. A friend gave me a stack her baby outgrew, and all this time I've had diapers checked off the list. Rocket scientist that I am, I forgot all about disposable wipes.

Then there's the breast pads, which have had me back to Babies 'R Us three times now. Throw-away ones crinkle up and make me look like I've stuffed my bra. Washable ones give me the supernipples of an Amazon. Silicon shells give me a flying-saucer look. I've just ordered some large hemp pads on line, and I'm hoping these will work out better.

The infant car seat, a hand-me-down from my brother and his wife, will take up residence in my sedan this week. What about the stroller that goes with it? My parents, who were storing it in their house, can't find it. How do you lose something that big?

Still, these last-minute chores thrill more than frustrate me. We're far enough along for me to deliver a healthy baby. All these items will soon get some use. The rocking chair's about to see action.

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